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deodorize your locker room


Don’t just take our word for it…

What can I say but 100% amazing product! Has helped eliminate the odors in our locker room and would highly suggest placing in your facility!

- Frank, Football Equipment Manager | SMU

Can't wait to use the DeoBlock all season, the locker room never smelled so good!

- Thomas Hammock, Head Coach | NIU Football

DeoBlock has elevated the state of our lockers. Our athletes love coming back to a fresh smelling locker room after practice and games.

- Matthew, Director of Equipment & Facilities | Chicago State University

deoblock effectively deodorizes your entire locker room, one locker at a time.


Learn More
  1. Affix DeoBlock in each locker

  2. Swap out fresh deodorizing pods monthly

  3. Stay fresh all season long